As we'll see, there are various ways to ensure your photo prints look just right, but one ingenious aid is the Pattern Print function in Canon's Professional Print and Layout software, demonstrated here by Canon Ambassador Igor Demba.
Printing should be simple, but it's like photography: the better you understand the kit you're using and how it works, the better the results you'll get. There are some common pitfalls and mistakes people make when printing, but here we'll distill the process down to the key steps to ensure that your printed output is what you expect.
There are many practical benefits of a colour-calibrated printing workflow. Colour accuracy means less wastage of time, ink and paper on test prints and reprints. Selling prints of your photos can be a great boost to your photography business, but if you want to make money from printing, it pays to get it right every time.
Here are the six steps to ensure perfect printed results, with advice from print expert Zubair Rahim, Product Specialist at Canon Europe, and destination wedding photographer Igor Demba, who produces his own prints as a lucrative part of his business.