Visa pour L’image 2023


Discover the world's leading photojournalism festival, Visa pour l'Image, and how Canon will be supporting and celebrating the best in visual storytelling for the 35th consecutive year.

Proud partner for 35 years

2024 marks Canon’s 35th year of partnership with Visa pour l’Image, an event in which the world’s most important stories and those responsible for telling them are brought together and celebrated. This prestigious festival exemplifies Canon’s unwavering commitment and passion to supporting the craft of photojournalism and empowering visual storytellers to tell the stories that need to be told.

Canon at Visa pour l’Image 2024

During the festival’s Pro Week, from 2nd – 7th September, Canon will host an exclusive programme of events and activities to champion visual stories and those creating them on the ground floor of the Palais des Congrès.
Canon Camera

Get hands on with our latest products

Visitors will have an opportunity to speak with product experts and get hands on with the latest Canon cameras, lenses and fine art printers, including the EOS R1 and EOS R5 Mark II.

Canon Professional Services (CPS)

Expert technicians from CPS will be available for accredited photographers, providing a check-and-clean service of their Canon equipment. Professional photographers will also have an opportunity to take out the latest Canon cameras on loan.

professional product support service

Fine Art Printing

In celebration of Canon’s 35years partnership with Visa pour l’Image, accredited professionals will be able to have an image from their portfolio printed on Canon’s new fine art printers.

This year’s grants

Canon and Visa pour l’Image will officially present the winners of the 2024 Canon Female Photojournalist and Canon Video Grant - Short Film Documentary. Each winner will receive €8,000 funding to support the completion of a photographic reportage which will be exhibited at the 2024 festival.

Canon Student Development Programme

For the eighth successive year, Canon will be running its prestigious Student Development Programme. 25 aspiring photographers from across EMEA will be hosted for an exclusive programme comprising lectures, portfolio reviews and guided exhibition tours at Visa pour l’Image.


Past Visa pour l'Image Events

From inspirational exhibitions and revealing talks to product demonstrations and more, here you will find all the best Canon-related stories from the Perpignan event.


How to pitch to photo editors

Tips from the industry on how to pitch a photojournalism project, stand out from the crowd and get hired by a photo editor.

Ako udržať publikum v napätí

Ako dokáže fotožurnalizmus porozprávať príbeh a ako môžete vytvárať dynamické príbehy vy? Poprední odborníci sa podelia o svoje know-how.


Canon offers dedicated grant for short video documentary

The Canon Video Grant – Short Film Documentary recognises the best emerging talent worldwide in documentary filmmaking.

Vytvorenie víťazného portfólia fotografií

Štyria profesionáli z odvetvia sa podelia o svoje tipy na prípravu dokonalého portfólia fotografií – od tvorby príbehu až po prezentáciu práce.

James Nachtwey on why photojournalism is crucial for a thriving democracy

Conviction, passion and commitment: the renowned photographer reveals what drives him to document humanity.

Program zdokonalenia pre študentov od spoločnosti Canon: čo som sa naučil

Premýšľate o prihlásení sa do programu zdokonalenia pre študentov od spoločnosti Canon? Piati študenti zo skupiny roka 2022 sa delia o svoje tipy ako ho čo najlepšie využiť.


How the Canon Female Photojournalist Grant changes lives

Six diverse documentary photographers explain why the Canon Female Photojournalist Grant was a pivotal moment in their careers.

How do we combat misinformation in photojournalism?

Manipulated and 'deepfake' images are on the rise, but how much of a threat do they really pose? Three industry experts give their views.

Ako si zdokonaliť svoj štýl fotografovania

Uznávaná dokumentárna fotografka a čerstvá absolventka Bebe Blancová Agterbergová prezradí, ako našla svoj profesionálny hlas.

Študent fotografie, ktorý sa venuje nevídaným príbehom Konga

O rodnej zemi Guerchoma Ndeba sa v médiách hovorilo len zriedka. Vo veku len 22 rokov to však mení, keď fotografuje snímky pre agentúry Getty Images a AFP.

Supporting life in rural Alaska: photographing bush pilots

Meet the 2021 Canon Female Photojournalist Grant winner who will be documenting this vital service.


The most important tech of the decade

Brent Stirton, Ilvy Njiokiktjien and other leading photojournalists reveal the game-changing tech that's had the biggest impact on their work.

Meet the recipients of the 2020 Canon grants

Two documentary projects championing women will come to life thanks to Canon's Female Photojournalist Award and its inaugural Video Grant.

What not to miss at Visa pour l'Image 2020

Visa pour l'Image 2020 is a festival of firsts, from all-new online screenings to the recipient of the inaugural Canon Video Grant.

Nakopnite svoju kariéru v oblasti fotožurnalistiky so spoločnosťou Canon

Učte sa od najlepších v odvetví v rámci programu pre študentov od spoločnosti Canon počas festivalu fotožurnalistiky Visa pour l'Image.


Keď objekty rozprávajú príbehy: Unfiltered

Ako spoločnosť Canon a projekt Medzinárodného výboru Červeného kríža Unfiltered poskytujú ľuďom v nestabilných oblastiach nástroje a školenie na to, aby mohli fotografiou vyrozprávať svoje príbehy.

Rady pre profesionálov, ako preniknúť do umenia novinárskej fotografie

Poprední fotožurnalisti a fotoredaktori radia, ako rozbehnúť kariéru v tomto odvetví.

Aká dôležitá je videonahrávka pre budúceho fotožurnalistu?

Ako pri neustále rastúcom dopyte po videonahrávkach vníma nová generácia fotožurnalistov ich kreatívne využívanie a svoje schopnosti na ich tvorbu?

Fotožurnalisti diskutujú: prečo sa ženy držia stranou?

Na festivale novinárskej fotografie Visa Pour l’Image diskutujú tri víťazky ocenenia Canon Female Photojournalist Award o prekážkach, s ktorými sa ženy stretávajú.

A tale of two cities in the shadow of Silicon Valley

2018 Canon Female Photojournalist Award winner Laura Morton on capturing the similarities bridging wealth divides in two Californian cities.

What not to miss at Visa pour l'Image 2019

The annual festival of photojournalism in Perpignan, France, celebrates photography excellence and the next generation of visual storytellers. Here are some highlights to look out for.

2019 Canon Female Photojournalism Award winner named

Armenian photographer Anush Babajanyan wins this year's prestigious award to document families in the South Caucasus region.


The best of Visa pour l’Image 2018

After another inspirational Visa pour l’Image, we reveal some of the highlights from this French festival of photojournalism.

Pohľad študentov na budúcnosť novinárskej fotografie

Ako sa nová generácia fotožurnalistov učila od pracujúcich profesionálov na festivale Visa pour l'Image 2018.

What not to miss at Visa pour l'Image 2018

The annual festival of photojournalism in Perpignan, France, offers an exciting range of exhibitions, lectures and more. Here are some highlights to look out for.

Canon Female Photojournalist 2018 winner revealed

The American documentary photographer wins the 2018 Canon award to document the income inequality around Silicon Valley.

Catalina Martin-Chico on Colombia’s peacetime baby boom

We interview the 2017 Canon Female Photojournalist Award winner about her heartfelt project.

Tech-focused live Twitter Q+A round-up

Predicting the future, dispelling myths and offering much-needed advice, find our answers to your Twitter questions...

The best of Visa pour l’Image 2017

After another inspirational Visa pour l’Image, we reveal some of the highlights from this ground-breaking French festival of photojournalism.

Canon Professional Services offers vital support to members

Photojournalists flocking to Visa pour l'Image can get free equipment checks and cleans through their Canon Professional Services membership.

Canon’s Female Photojournalist 2017 is Catalina Martin-Chico

Photojournalist Catalina Martin-Chico plans to report on the baby boom among female FARC guerillas in Colombia. Here, she explains why...

Pohľad študentov na budúcnosť novinárskej fotografie

Nová generácia fotožurnalistov sa na festivale Visa pour l’Image stretla s fotografmi agentúry Magnum a podelila sa o svoje túžby a plány do budúcnosti.

Five of the best activities at Visa pour l’Image

The countdown is on to Visa pour l’Image 2017, and these are the Canon Experience Zone events you definitely don’t want to miss...